Month: December 2013

HATE your Life.


What is your life that you should hold on to only to lose it?Can you sacrifice your life for your King?I am talking about voluntary love,setting aside your life for Christ.John 10:17,This what God loves that we put down all our lives for Him,out of love.What are of your lives are you holding on to?Is He not God of your money,career,family,relationships and your nation?Is Jesus not worth all of your life?Give every aspect of your life to Him.Count all in Christ.

Luke 14:26 If we want to run after Him we ought to give all our lives,lay everything down to Him.Are you prepared to give it all so He can use you.

There is a city to rebuild,Your city.There is a family to heal,Your family.Take up your cross daily.

Beautiful feet


Isaiah 52:7 How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of him who brings GOOD NEWS,who publishes peace,who brings good news,who proclaims salvation,who says to Zion,Your GOD REIGNS!!

Romans 10:14 How will they believe in him whom they have not heard??

I am so encouraged to see and be part of what God is doing in this city through the lives of the young people.Let the days of your youth count for God.